Before and After School - Bulldog Care
Welcome to our Before and After School - Bulldog Care!
Before School Care- We offer an early drop-off for families at a rate of $7.50/family. Parents will be charged this rate for children dropped off at school between 7:00-7:30 am. Please come into the Front Office to sign your student in before they head to the gym for before school care.
After School, please be sure to pick up your child before 5:30 pm. Late pick up will incur a fee of $1 per minute after these times. Alternative after school care will need to be found for those students who are consistently being picked up late.
Please let us know in advance if someone other than an already designated adult i.e. a named adult on your signed, child’s registration form, will be picking them up. If we do not know the ‘pick up’ party we will not be able to release your child until we have contacted you. Please make sure any person picking up your child has photo I.D with them.
A small snack will be provided for each child during the afternoon. While we make every effort to provide for certain dietary requirements, it is not always possible. We therefore ask parents whose child has a medically diagnosed allergy if they would provide a suitable snack for their child. We are more than happy to keep a snack supply for you here at school.
All students are expected to behave in an appropriate and respectful way to others at all times. Should it become necessary for us to contact you to pick up your child early on more than 2 occasions because of inappropriate conduct, we will ask you to find alternative After School care.
Important Bulldog Care Pick Up Information — parents that arrive prior to 4:00 p.m. must check into the office as a visitor in order to be admitted into the school. Parents arriving after 4:00 p.m. should proceed to the 5th grade/Orange hallway to be admitted into the school. All outside doors for the school are locked and require that you use our push button system in order to have a staff member unlock the door for you.
Parent Parking for Bulldog Care – parents are asked to park in the main parking lot or the small side parking lot and utilize the sidewalk to access the program. Please do not park in the bus parking lot – this is a change from last year.
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at afterschool@brevardacademy.org or the school office.
Contact: Once the school office closes for the afternoon, the After School staff can be reached by calling the school at 828-885-3116
Before School: Monday - Friday 7:00am - 7:30am
After School: Monday – Friday 3:00pm – 5:30pm
Daily rates for
Before School Care
After School Care
$20/day + $5 per sibling
(also applies to students that attend After School due to non or late pickup at the end of the school day, from school run after hour activities or from the Bus stop)
* (A $10 late payment charge will be incurred for each week a fee goes unpaid).