School Uniforms
Where can I buy school uniforms?
What’s the policy?
You can find the uniform policy on our policy page.
What are the Pack Colors?
Red: Kindergarten and 4th Grade
Purple: 1st Grade and 5th Grade
Orange: 2nd Grade and 6th Grade
Blue: 3rd Grade and 7th Grade
Gold: 8th Grade
BA Spirit Wear
K-4 Students can wear spirit wear on Mondays.
5-8 Students can wear spirit wear any day of the week.
Does the school have sales?
Uniform sales WILL NOT be held on campus. You will need to order through Big Frog or Lands End. We encourage the use of Big Frog as we try to support local vendors.
What can I do with uniforms my child has outgrown?
School Counselors try to keep gently used uniforms on hand in case a student is in need during school hours. We welcome donations, however, due to storage, donations must be pre-approved. Please contact Stacey Seefeldt or Megan Monk to arrange a donation.
PTO occasionally holds a consignment sale. In the event one is planned, families will be notified through Facebook, Smore, or fliers.
What if my child loses an item?
Our lost and found is located on the blue hallway. Lost and found items are donated to the Goodwill at the end of every grading period.
Brevard Screen Printing
Click on the Logo above or the button below and you will be taken directly to the Brevard Screen Printing site.
Big Frog
Click on the Logo above or the button below and you will be taken directly to the correct school page on Big Frog.
Lands’ End
Please use School Number 900143991 when you buy school uniforms at Lands’ End. Click on the logo above or visit their site by clicking on the button below.