Car Line Procedure
As always, we continuously strive to improve our processes and procedures. We have utilized our School Resource Officer, Administration, and parental input to design an improved afternoon car line process.
With limited parking, and the need for emergency vehicles to have an unobstructed path to the school, we have designed a procedure that we feel is safe and efficient.
If you must arrive before 2:30 for normal pick up, you will enter off of Hendersonville Hwy into the right lane (Lane A).
As you round the curve approaching the parking spaces, you will be stopped to await direction from our traffic coordinators. (Please see diagram above).
It is imperative the left lane (Lane B) remains clear. This allows parents, staff, and visitors to enter and park as well as leave the premises before car line starts.
Please remember, as car line begins, to practice undistracted driving procedures for the safety of our children, our staff, and yourself.
We always welcome feedback, so please let us know how we are doing.