
Our Enrollment Lottery is now open! All current students at Brevard Academy will be automatically enrolled for the 2025-2026 school year, unless you notify us otherwise in writing.

Brevard Academy is a tuition-free public charter school. Enrollment is open to all students of Transylvania and surrounding counties in North Carolina.

Brevard Academy is non-sectarian and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. We make every effort to recruit students and teachers from all segments of our community so that our school will reflect the ethnic diversity of the population of Transylvania County.

Enrollment FAQ’s

If you have any questions about student records or enrollment that this website can not answer, please feel free to call the front office at 828-885-2665.

  • Brevard Academy's enrollment period will open January 14 and run through the 20th day of school.

  • Our enrollment lottery is held on March 15. Once available spots are filled for each grade, a waitlist is also automatically created. Parents will be notified whether they have been offered a spot or are on the waitlist. This will be sent to the email address that they used for their Lotterease account.

  • Yes, we accept registrations through the 20th day of school. Brevard Academy does not offer mid-year enrollment.

  • Any child who is qualified under the laws of North Carolina for admission to a public school is able to enroll at Brevard Academy.

School Tours are closed for this school year.

We offer tours again starting in October through March on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9-11 a.m. and 12-1 p.m.

Plan a Visit

Prospective Family Information Nights

These sessions offer a comprehensive overview of our programs, values, and admissions process. Meet our dedicated faculty, tour our campus, and get answers to all your questions.

Forms & Documents

In order to enroll your student we will need the following forms and documents.

  1. Copy of Birth Certificate

  2. Copy of Parental ID

  3. Proof of Residency-any utility bill or rent/lease/mortgage agreement

  4. Vaccination Record or Vaccination Exemption Letter

  5. NC Health Assessment (Below)

  6. Custody Paperwork if Applicable

The North Carolina Health Assessment Form must be completed by the parent/guardian and the child’s health care provider. Your child's pediatrician should have this form at their office to fill out, or you can find it below.