The mission of the Brevard Academy Counseling Department is to provide a proactive, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate program to address students' academic, social-emotional, and career goals. This is accomplished through a partnership with parents/guardians, staff, and community members to enable all students to become successful, productive, contributing citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse and changing world.
School Counselor Belief Statements:
We believe that ALL students can learn and achieve academic greatness when encouraged and nurtured in a respectful, safe environment.
We believe that nurturing ALL students’ social and emotional well-being will encourage academic development and future success.
We believe that effective school counseling is a collaborative process that involves all stakeholders: students, parents, teachers, administrators and community leaders to assist students in reaching their fullest potential.
The American School Counselor Association ethical standards should guide the work of the school counseling program and school counselors.
The vision of the Brevard Academy School Counseling Department is to provide an environment of security, warmth, and encouragement as Brevard Academy students work to reach their fullest potential in the areas of academic, career, and personal development. The School Counselors commit to establish a solid foundation with Brevard Academy students to successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, caring and productive citizens who respect themselves and others.
School Counselor Services:
Individual Counseling:
Counselors are available to meet with students on an individual basis for any social, emotional or academic concerns. Referrals for counseling can be made by parents, teachers/staff, and students.
Group Counseling:
We will be offering various support groups based on student needs. Small groups are offered to students who may benefit from spending some extra time developing academic, social, or emotional skills along with their peers, and to students who are coping with similar life situations. Written parent permission is required.
Classroom Guidance Lessons:
Counselors visit classrooms multiple times throughout the school year and have the chance to interact with every student during these lessons. Lessons typically last 30 minutes in length and cover topics such as character traits, understanding feelings of self and others, problem solving skills, friendship skills, and coping skills.
“One of the toughest jobs of parenting is talking to your kids about difficult subjects. It's hard enough to explain when Mr. Teddy Bear gets eaten by the washing machine. It feels impossible to put into words the really big issues, such as violence, racism, drugs, and other weighty topics But in the age of cell phone notifications, streaming video, and 24-hour news coverage -- when even little kids are exposed to really serious stories -- it's important to face this challenge head-on.”
-Common Sense Media

Do you feel your child might benefit from speaking to one of our School Counselors? Fill out the form below to request time.
Coping Skills & Mindfulness
Reset Room for when things are a little overwhelming.
Ever have difficulties figuring out age-appropriate talks with your children? Check out this handy-dandy guide to those not so little issues.
Social -Emotional Learning & Character Education
Transylvania County Behavioral Health Resources
Birth & Older
Alliance Community Based Services
Calm River Counseling, PLLC
12 Years & Older
Jamey Savoie, LCSW
Susan Tinsley Daily, MS, MAT, LPC, NCC
COVID-19 Resources for Adults to Read
Resource Directory
Crisis Assistance - General
211 (Resources cover everything from housing to unemployment to medical care)
NC Department of Health and Human Services (Low-income services give access to health care, child care, housing, financial and nutrition assistance regardless of financial status. These services range from temporary to long-standing assistance)
Sharing House (Food, clothing, and financial assistance)
Usa.gov (Unemployment assistance, tax relief, and special home loans)
Crisis Assistance - Food
No Kid Hungry: NC (directory of free meal programs and sites for kids in NC, including Transylvania County Schools)
Text FOODNC to 877-877 to receive a text with the three drive-thru or pick up sites with meals for kids closest to you.
Bread of Life (Soup kitchen offering take-out meals)
Anchor Baptist Mission Store (drive through emergency food assistance)
God’s Way Fellowship Food Pantry (emergency food assistance)
Call 828 884-7793
send message: https://www.facebook.com/Gods-Way-Fellowship-586615421382634/
Meals on Wheels (Food delivery services for homebound people)
Salvation Army (Food pantry and emergency financial assistance)
Hunger Coalition of Transylvania County (Provides free groceries each Thursday at one of four locations: Davidson River School, Rosman Town Hall, Sharing House and Sapphire Community Center)
Transylvania County Animal Shelter (pet food for those who can no longer afford to feed their animals)
(828) 883-3713
Crisis Assistance - Housing
NC Low-Income Energy Assistance Program
North Carolina Housing and Urban Development (consistent updates regarding impact of virus on renters and homeowners)
Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (HUD approved housing counselors who can help find resources if unable to pay mortgage because of loss of employment)
Crisis Assistance - Children and Families
The Family Place Connect Program (assistance for families in finding emergency resources)
Children’s Center of Transylvania County (support and resources for children and families, including diapers)
Sesame Street in Communities (resources, activities and videos to help families talk about COVID-19 and health emergencies)
NC Works (Job search, resume help. NCWorks office is closed to the public but virtual help is available and appointments can be made.)
Family Medical Leave Act During the Coronavirus
Department of Labor - Information on the Families First Act and job protection during the pandemic
Health & Health Insurance
Blue Ridge Health (physical, dental and mental health care, charged a sliding scale)
Insure Kids Now (Free and low cost health and dental insurance for kids and families)
VAYA Health (Mental health and substance abuse services)
24-hour hotline: 1-800-849-6127
Help for Musicians
Resources Guide - for musicians who are out of work
Legal Services
Pisgah Legal Services (free legal resources and guidance )
Small Business and Nonprofits
NC Center for Nonprofits - Information for nonprofits to safeguard employees and operations
Community Foundation of Western North Carolina - Emergency and disaster response fund setup to assist organizations responding to COVID-19 in WNC
Transylvania Alliance - Resources and local network for business impacted by COVID-19
Brevard Chamber of Commerce - Resources for local businesses
Small Business Administration - Guidance and loan resources for small businesses
NC Small Business and Technology Development Center - NC COVID-19 business resource directory
Disaster Loans Assistance - Federal loans for small business, non-profits, homeowners, renters
NC Rapid Recovery Loans - lending program to help farms and small business bridge gaps between time of crisis and time of recovery or other relief support
US Treasury Paycheck Protection Program - assistance for nonprofits and small businesses to support employee retention
Student Loans
Federal Student Aid - 60-day payment deferral option for federal student loans during coronavirus outbreak
Tax Information
IRS - Federal tax changes due to COVID-19
NC Department of Revenue - NC tax changes due to COVID-19
Unemployment Benefits
NC Division of Employment Security - NC-specific information on unemployment due to COVID-19
General Information about the Unemployment Insurance Program:
File for Unemployment in NC:
Or by phone: 1-888-737-0259
Veterans Services
Transylvania County Veterans Services - Assistance for U.S. military veterans applying for benefits
Henderson County:
Food resources:
Clothing and home:
Billing/financial assistance:
United Way of Hendersonville:
Boys and Girls club of Hendersonville: